Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology

Berenika Maciejewicz

University of Science Arts and Technology, College of Medicine, Montserrat, BWI, UK


  • Hypothesis   
    Cognitive Neuroscience of Lucid Dreaming: Introducing A New Reality Check Induction Protocol - Dream Consciousness Study
    Author(s): Berenika Maciejewicz*

    Background: During lucid dreaming, a person becomes aware of their own dreaming status. Some experienced lucid dreamers are able to further gain agency within the dream to consciously manipulate the dream's narrative, and characters, direct their own actions and dream’s plot. Neurologically, scientists attribute this phenomenon to the brain's parietal lobe activity. Dream lucidity occurrences are rare. To induce them, various cognitive techniques are currently being developed. Methods: A novel protocol for inducing lucidity was designed by the author, implemented in this study, evaluated for effectiveness, and contrasted with two other induction techniques. Before starting their 10 days experiment, 33 female participants were divided into three equal groups for comparative testing. All completed a pre-study online survey, kept a dream recall di.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/2469-9780.2022.8.5.183

    Abstract HTML PDF
