Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology


Memory is our ability to encode, store, retain and subsequently recall information and past experiences in the human brain. It can be thought of in general terms as the use of past experience to affect or influence current behaviour. Memory is the sum total of what we remember, and gives us the capability to learn and adapt from previous experiences as well as to build relationships. It is the ability to remember past experiences, and the power or process of recalling to mind previously learned facts, experiences, impressions, skills and habits. It is the store of things learned and retained from our activity or experience, as evidenced by modification of structure or behavior, or by recall and recognition. In more physiological or neurological terms, memory is, at its simplest, a set of encoded neural connections in the brain. It is the re-creation or reconstruction of past experiences by the synchronous firing of neurons that were involved in the original experience. As we will see, though, because of the way in which memory is encoded, it is perhaps better thought of as a kind of collage or jigsaw puzzle, rather than in the traditional manner as a collection of recordings or pictures or video clips, stored as discrete wholes. Our memories are not stored in our brains like books on library shelves, but are actually on-the-fly reconstructions from elements scattered throughout various areas of our brains.

Related journals to memory:

Brain Disorders & Therapy, Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology, Journal of Spine, Trauma & Treatment, Journal of Neurological Disorders, Journal of Aging Science, Journal of Brain Tumors & Neurooncology, International Journal of Neurorehabilitation, Journal of Neuroinfectious Diseases, International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
