Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology


 Neurodegeneration is a combination of two words neuro referring to nerve cells and "degeneration," referring to progressive damage. The term neurodegeneration can be applied to several conditions that result in the loss of nerve structure and function. This deterioration gradually causes a loss of cognitive abilities such as memory and decision making. Neurodegeneration is a key aspect of a large number of diseases that come under the umbrella of neurodegenerative diseases. Of these hundreds of different disorders, so far attention has been mainly focused on only a handful, with the most notable being Parkinson’s disease, Huntington disease and Alzheimer’s disease. A large proportion of the less publicized diseases have essentially been ignored. All of these conditions lead to progressive brain damage and neurodegeneration. Although all three of the diseases manifest with different clinical features, the disease processes at the cellular level appear to be similar. For example, Parkinson's disease affects the basal ganglia of the brain, depleting it of dopamine. This leads to stiffness, rigidity and tremors in the major muscles of the body, typical features of the disease. In Alzheimer's disease, there are deposits of tiny protein plaques that damage different parts of the brain and lead to progressive loss of memory. Huntington's disease is a progressive genetic disorder that affects major muscles of the body leading to severe motor restriction and eventually death.

Related journals to neurodegeneration: 

Journal of Neuroinfectious Diseases, Journal of Neurological Disorders, International Journal of Neurorehabilitation, Brain Disorders & Therapy, Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology, Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology, Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research, Journal of Brain Tumors & Neurooncology, Current Neurobiology.
