Journal of Neuroscience and Neuropharmacology


Ischemia occurs when blood flow to your heart is reduced, preventing it from receiving enough oxygen. The reduced blood flow is usually the result of a partial or complete blockage of your heart's arteries (coronary arteries). Myocardial ischemia, also called cardiac ischemia, can damage your heart muscle, reducing its ability to pump efficiently. A sudden, severe blockage of a coronary artery can lead to a heart attack. Myocardial ischemia might also cause serious abnormal heart rhythms. Treatment for myocardial ischemia involves improving blood flow to the heart muscle. Treatment may include medications, a procedure to open blocked arteries or bypass surgery. Making heart-healthy lifestyle choices is important in treating and preventing myocardial ischemia.Inadequate blood supply to a local area due to blockage of blood vessels leading to that area. Treatment is directed toward increasing the movement of fluid through the body in a regular or circuitous course to the affected body area.

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