Early morphological brain abnormalities in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment
Changhao Yin
Dongfeng Li and Congshu Liao
Arun Aggarwal and Emma Kean
JingLiu, Xiao-FengWang, YingLiu and Hua-Wei Wang
Pallavi Bhosle, Pravinkumar Bhutada, Ashwini Sonawane and Parth Shah
Wadugodapitiya S. I
Cerebral schistosomiasis in a 32 year old female: A case report
Lisa Traboco, Vincent De Guzman, Minette Rosario and Evelyn Esposo
Clozapine as add on therapy for difficult migraine patients
Abouch Valenty Krymchantowski
Emergency treatment of migraine at Rio de Janeiro. Are the patients getting the right thing?
Abouch Valenty Krymchantowski
Ahmed Nageeb M Taha and Mohamed E. Abdraboh
Public versus private care in headache. Are there differences?
Abouch Valenty Krymchantowski
Abouch Valenty Krymchantowski
Ana Olivares Torres, Elena Cuspineda Bravo, Doris Hernández Barrios, Jorge Iglesias Fuster, Cecilia Pérez Gesen, Daymara del Río Bazán, Javier Sánchez López, Joel Gutiérrez Gil, Carlos Beltrán,Tatiana Zaldivar Vaillant and Calixto Machado Curbelo
Arunabha Ray and Kavita Gulati
Ben A. Bahr
Noninvasive localization of epileptogenic zone. Improving accuracy of EEG source analysis
Cuspineda Bravo E. R, Martínez-Montes E, Farach Fumero M and Machado Curbelo C
Cuspineda Bravo E. R, Martínez-Montes E, Farach Fumero M and Machado Curbelo C
Eyob Hailu
Frih Hacene
Gurcharan Kaur and Rachana Mishra
Pedunculopontine nucleus stimulation: A novel therapeutic technique in intractable epilepsy
Age-related changes of ocular regions of wistar albino rats
El-Sayyad H. I. H, Khalifa S. A, El-Sayyad F. I, Shaker A. Mousa and Maylod E. E
Computations and technological innovations for epilepsy diagnosis and control
Steven Schachter and Hojjat Adeli
Global clinical neurorestoration in complete chronic spinal cord injury
Hongyun Huang
Jayasankar Kosaraju
Yong-Il Shin, Ji Hong Min and Jin A Yoon
Autoimmune channelopathies, diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in neurology
Kamal El Kallab
Keith Pennypacker
Design and in vitro evaluation of nanostructured lipid carriers for management of cerebral malaria
Kunal Jain, Sumeet Sood and K. Gowthamarajan
Astrocytes convert network excitation to tonic inhibition of neurons
Laszlo Heja
Louis Yuge
The roles of microglia-synapse interactions in neuronal circuit remodeling and degeneration
Marie-Eve Tremblay
Effects of oral magnesium supplementation on migraine prophylaxis
Mohamad Goldust
Mohamed A. Sabbahi, Fikreye Ovak-Bittar, Selda Uzun, Yesim Sengul and Ambia Abdilahi
Mohamed A. Sabbahi1, Fikreye Ovak-Bittar, Selda Uzun, Yesim Sengul and Ambia Abdilahi
Quantitative EEG markers in mild cognitive impairment: Degenerative versus vascular brain impairment
Moretti Davide Vito
Potential role of zinc oxide nanoparticles in human glioblastoma cell line (SF-767)
Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam1 and A. Qayyum2
Pelvic girdle myopathy caused by isotretinoin: Case report and discussion of pathophysiology
Muhammad Umair Khan, Janati, N. Alghassab and Sofiane Ghorbel
Muhammad Umair, Bruce Janati and N.Alghasab
Foix-Alajouanine syndrome : Report of a case with spinal cord
Muhammad Umair Khan, Mostafa Arifa and Bruce Janati
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome associated with dysgenesis of corpus callosum
Muhammad Umair Khan, A. Janati , N. S. Alghassab, M. I. Alzeir and M. Sammour
Osama A. Ibraheim
Protein transduction via PTD technology as a therapeutic approach of mitochondrial disorders
Papadopoulou C. Lefkothea
Parichehr Hassanzadeh and Anna Hassanzadeh
Neuroimaging epistasis in Alzheimer disease
Tricia A. Thornton-Wells
The effects of hippotherapy on united states veterans with neurological deficits
Roy Lee Aldridge Jr
Ying-Chih Wang
Effects of dual transcranial direct current stimulation over primary motor cortex with fMRI
Yong-Il Shin, Kyung Lim Joa and Ji Hong Min