Surgical challenges in the rural community: A call for prompt int | 50045

Primary Health Care: Open Access

ISSN - 2167-1079

Surgical challenges in the rural community: A call for prompt intervention

Joint Event on 7th Annual Congress on Primary Healthcare, Nursing and Neonatal Screening & 2nd International Conference on Women's Health, Obstetrics and Female Reproductive System

July 27-28, 2018 | Vancouver, Canada

Patience Mukolu Chikezie

BSE Health Education, Nigeria

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Prim Health Care

Abstract :

This study was conducted to identify whether or not there are challenges affecting surgical patient in the rural area. Patient with major surgical conditions are at risk of getting access to treatment/surgery compared to the care patient in the urban area get. There should be a call for primary health care organizations all over the world to create awareness by building primary health careā??s in the rural areas, primary health care being an organization well furnished with equipment availability to reach the care of patient universally should be able to have a stay in the rural area rather than having just a primary health post for minor ailment or first aid as there is an influx of people living and building houses in the rural area. When patients living in the rural community are faced with surgical challenges e.g. acute appendicitis, intussusceptions in babies, gunshot injuries, blunt abdominal injuries, accident etc. effort to move to the urban area after being transferred by the health post in the rural area incur the following challenges: (a) Access (b) Mobility (c) Financial Constrain (d) Time Factor. Thereby, becoming a victim and if fortunate, a survivor. As an Operating Room Nurse I have had cases of patients with severe complications during surgery and after surgery all because they claim there is no functional primary health care in their rural community thus, causing delay in prompt attention.

Biography :

Patience Mukolu Chikezie is Peri operative nurse i.e., operating room nurse and also an health educator working currently in BSE education health, Nigeria.


