Ann M Mitchell
University of Pittsburgh, USA
Keynote: Prim Health Care
Background: Alcohol and other drug use and misuse are public health problems resulting in high healthcare and societal costs. This presentation will review the implementation of a screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) program across multiple groups of advanced practice students to reach vulnerable populations at risk. Policy support for SBIRT utilization comes from the US Preventive Services Task Force, the American Nurses Association, the American College of Surgeons, the Joint Commission, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid. Outcome results, after the incorporation of SBIRT into three advanced practice graduate nursing school curricula, including knowledge, skills, and attitudes will be presented. Methods: A mixed-method approach was used to measure the effects of education and curriculum infusion of SBIRT into three advanced practice graduate nursing school curricula. Pre-to-post attitude surveys of nursing students towards working with individuals who use alcohol or other drugs were measured as well as knowledge and skills post-training. Results: SBIRT education positively influenced participants� attitudes towards working with individuals who use alcohol or other drugs. SBIRT education had the most pronounced significant effect on indicators of role security, including role adequacy and role legitimacy (p<0.05) across all programs. Effects on indicators of therapeutic commitment, including motivation and role support varied depending upon the program. Knowledge surveys indicated a significant increase in post-training knowledge of SBIRT across all programs and participants� skills were satisfactory post-training. Conclusions: Nurse practitioners are in an ideal position to have a positive impact on patient care and patient outcomes through the incorporation of screening for alcohol and other drug use, and when appropriate to provide a brief intervention or a referral for further assessment or treatment.
Ann M Mitchell is a Professor of Nursing and Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. She has served as Project Director (PI) on three HRSA- funded projects related to screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) for alcohol and other drug use and is currently funded by SAMHSA to integrate SBIRT education into the Nurse Practitioner curriculum, addressing substance use across the lifespan. Lastly, she is working with the CDC on two projects to incorporate Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention (Alcohol SBI) into nursing practice with the ultimate goal of preventing Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).