Journal of Arthritis

ISSN - 2167-7921

Mohamed Suhood Mohamed Shiffa

Mohamed Suhood Mohamed Shiffa
Head of the Department Department of Surgery  
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka


He Worked as a Temporary Demonstrator in Unani at Unani Section, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo from 19/05/2006 to 18/05/2007 • Worked as a Lecturer at Unani Section, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo 05/02/2008 – 04/02/2013. • Working as a Senior Lecturer Grade II at Unani Section, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo from 05/02/2013 onwards. • Assistant Consultant in National Ayurvedic Teaching Hospital, Borella, Sri Lanka since 2014 • Teaching & Practical Training have been given for under Graduates and post graduates in the Department of Medicine (Moalejat) and Surgery (Ilmul Jarahat) for 5 years.

Research Interest

Knee Osteoarthritis, Traditional Medicine
