Impact of bullying behavior on mental health mediating role of em | 50508

Clinical and Experimental Psychology

Impact of bullying behavior on mental health mediating role of emotional intelligence among students

2nd World Congress on Psychiatry and Psychological Syndromes

November 11-12, 2019 | Madrid, Spain

Zoya Jahanzaib

Bahauddin Zakariya University, Pakistan

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Clin Exp Psychol

Abstract :

Current study was conducted to find the impact of bulling behavior on mental health mediating role of emotional intelligence among students. Data was collected by using use Illinois Bully Scale, Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale, WLEIS and Mental Health Inventory (MHI). The sample was collected by using convenient sampling. The data was collected from 350 individual from different schools. (Male=144, Female=206) convenient sampling technique was used to collect data. Findings reports that there is negative correlation between emotional intelligence and bullying the strength of correlation is .49 the result shows that there is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and mental health and the strength of correlation is .51 the result shows that there is a positive correlation between bullying and mental health and the strength of correlation is .34. The results show that there is a significant impact of bulling behavior on mental health. As the p value is .05. The results show that there is no significant impact of bulling behavior on emotional intelligence. As the p value is .06. The results show that there is a significant impact of bulling emotional intelligence on bulling behavior. As the p value is .05. The results of that there is a difference between male and female on emotional intelligence scale the value of mean for male is 3.07 and the value of standard deviation is .39. The value of mean for female is 4.07 and value of standard deviation is .41 according to result female are highly emotionally intelligent than male. Implications and future recommendations also discussed.
