Primary Health Care: Open Access

ISSN - 2167-1079

Nulliparity Peer-review Journals

Nulliparous is the clinical term for a lady who has never conceived an offspring either by decision or for some other explanation. This term additionally applies to ladies who have brought forth a stillborn infant, or an infant who was in any case not ready to make due outside the belly Nulliparous is the clinical term for a lady who has never conceived an offspring either by decision or for some other explanation. This term additionally applies to ladies who have brought forth a stillborn infant, or an infant who was in any case not ready to make due outside the belly Nulliparous” is a fancy medical word used to describe a woman who hasn’t given birth to a child. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s never been pregnant — someone who’s had a miscarriage, stillbirth, or elective abortion but has never given birth to a live baby is still referred to as nulliparous. (A woman who’s never been pregnant is called nulligravida.) If you’ve never heard the word nulliparous — even if it describes you — you’re not alone. It’s not something that’s tossed around in casual conversation. But it does come up in medical literature and research, as women who fall into this category may be at higher risk for certain conditions.` The term “multiparous” isn’t exactly the opposite of nulliparous — and it’s not always defined the same way. It can describe someone who’s : had more than one baby in a single birth (i.e., twins or higher-order multiples) had two or more live births had one or more live births carried and given birth to at least one baby that reached 28 weeks’ gestation or later Regardless, though, multiparous does refer to a woman who’s had at least one live birth. In studying Catholic nuns who abstain from sex, researchersTrusted Source have acknowledged that there’s a link between nulliparity and increased risk of reproductive cancers like ovarian and uterine cancer. The million-dollar question is why. Originally, the link was attributed to the nuns having more ovulatory cycles in their lifetime — after all, pregnancy and birth control both halt ovulation, and the nuns experienced neither. But the truth is, there’s some disagreement about this. Regardless of the reasoning, screening and early detection are important if you fall into the “nulliparous” category.


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