Journal of Health and Medical Research

Padmakanth Mannava

Padmakanth Mannava, MDS
Associate professor
Chattisgarh dental college and Research institute, India


Dr. Padmakanth Mannava is a renowned periodontist & academician. He
has completed his Under graduation from The Oxford Dental College and
Hospital, Bengaluru and Post graduation from Sibar Dental College and
Hospital, Guntur Andhra Pradesh(state), India,and currently working as
an Associate Professor in CDCRI, Rajnandgaon, Chhattisgarh(state),
India. He guides students for their professional identity in building
their career. He has lots of international and national publications
to his credit. He has had the opportunity to further broaden his
clinical horizons being served as consultant periodontist in corporate
sector such as Dentys Dental Care. He is also a member of Editorial
board of Journal of Advanced Medical and Dental Sciences Research, EMS
Dentistry Journal & Journal of Dental Research and Practice.

Research Interest

Dental science

