Clinical and Experimental Psychology

Lúcia Simões Sebben

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Soledade Ave, 344 apartment 301 – Petrópolis – PortoAlegre/RS &ndash, Brazil


  • Conference Proceeding   
    2nd Annual Summit of Psychiatry and Mental Health 2020 Mental Health In Brazil and The Distress At Work
    Author(s): Lúcia Simões Sebben*

    Objective: This work aims to understand the impact of mental health at work, based on observation of its culture, beliefs, paradigms and, finally, behaviors as determinants to face the pandemic, as well as the repercussions on the work environment. Method: A first survey was conducted with a random audience of 53 people, with a predominance of respondents from southern Brazil, associated with empirical observations regarding the reactions of Brazilians to the pandemic and the return to work. These conclusions will lead to a new, more detailed research with a method to be defined, thus providing guidance for more effective interventions in search of better mental health codes at work. Conclusion: In view of the results obtained so far, it is evident the urgency of companies to implement mental.. View More»

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