Journal of Arthritis

ISSN - 2167-7921

Khushbu Singh

Dr, Department of Physiotherapy, University of Delhi, Delhi, India


  • Review Article   
    To Compare the Efficacy of Kinesthesia, Balance and Agility Training with Conventional Training for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients
    Author(s): Khushbu Singh*

    Knee Osteoarthritis (OA) a chronic degenerative disorder with complex etiology and identified by loss of articular cartilage, overgrowth of bones at the margin, subchondral sclerosis along with changes in synovial membrane and the joint capsule. OA knee patients also have proprioception and balance problems along with pain, stiffness and functional problems. These problems need to be addressed to improve the overall functioning. There are many studies which reported that KBA training is beneficial to use along with the conventional treatment of strengthening and flexibility. KBA training has not been tested alone for their effectiveness, thus, we would be able to have a more functional treatment protocol to help the patients in improving their overall Quality Of Life (QOL). An experimental study was conducted on 52 knee OA subjects with WOMAC score ≥ 17 for physical function. Group.. View More»

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