Journal of Dental Research and Practice

Camilla Siqueira de Aguiar

Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil


  • Value Added Abstract   
    Craniofacial fracture produced by white weapon: surgicals reconstruction
    Author(s): Camilla Siqueira de Aguiar*

    Introduction: Facial trauma can be considered one of the most devastating aggressions found in trauma centers due to emotional and its possibility of permanent aesthetic deformity. It affects the male brazilian population more in the proportion of 3:1 and the age group with the highest prevalence is the third decade of life. Regarding the etiology of facial trauma, we observed that it happens more due to car accidents. Other causes include gunshot wounds and domestic accidents. The purpose of this study is to describe a case report of surgical facial reconstruction of a patient who was physically aggression by a white weapon. Case Report: Male patient, 20 years, victim of physical aggression, was referred to the trauma reference service in Pernambuco, Brazil. In the anamnesis, it was observed that the patient had a conscious, drunk, eupneic and fractures in the left fronto-zygomatic r.. View More»
    DOI: 10.4172/jdrp.22.4(S1).05

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