Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access

ISSN - 2471-268X

Japan Health Economics

The Japanese spend half as much on health care as do Americans, but still they live longer. Many give credit to their cheap and universal health insurance system. Japanese people see doctors twice as often as Europeans and take more life-prolonging and life-enhancing drugs. Rather than being pushed roughly out of hospital beds, they stay three times as long as the rich-world average. Life expectancy has risen from 52 in 1945 to 83 today. The country boasts one of the lowest infant-mortality rates in the world. Yet Japanese health-care costs are a mere 8.5% of GDP.

Related Journals of Japan health economics :

International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences, International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, Southeast Asian Journal of Economics, Healthcare Economics and Quality Management, The Japan Society of Home Economics.
