Dong-A Kim, Jin-Ju Kim, , Hyun Choi, Mun-Hee Lim, Jung-Ah Lee, Jae-Hyuk Bae, Jae-Jin Lee, Mi-Hye Kim and Hak-Lyul Kim
National Rehabilitation Research Institute, Korea
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
Objective: The CPAD is a specialized tool to measure the cognitive�perceptual function for driving performance. We modified in two sub-tests of the CPAD (the depth perception and trail making tests). The purpose of this study is to assess the validity of the modified Cognitive Perceptual Assessment for driving (CPAD2) with stroke patients. Method: 30 participants with stroke who were actively driving prior to stroke participated in the study. Each subject was evaluated CPAD2 and On-road test. We analyzed the correlation between scores of CPAD2 and On-road test. The scores of On-road test were compared by 3 groups of CPAD2 (fail group: score<42, borderline group: 42� score<53, pass group: score�53). The positive and negative predictive values of CPAD2 were calculated by Cross tabulation. Result: The means of the CPAD2 and On-road test were 50.23 and 81.53, respectively. There was a significant correlation between CPAD2 and On-road test (r=0.625, p<0.05). The scores of On-road test were significantly different in 3 groups of CPAD2 (p<0.05). The positive and negative predictive values of CPAD2 were 90.9% and 50.0%, respectively. Conclusion: We concluded that the CPAD 2 was correlation with On-road test and had good validity. Therefore, CPAD2 is a useful tool for an actual driving performance in stroke patients.