The comparative characteristic of quality of life in patients wit | 49749

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

The comparative characteristic of quality of life in patients with distant consequences of combat brain injury

Joint Event on 22nd International Conference on Neurology and Neurophysiology & 23rd International Conference on Neurology and Neurosurgery

April 23-24, 2018 Rome, Italy

Chernenko Inna

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Statement of the Problem: The work defines the main directions of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation actions at persons, who have had a combat brain injury on the basis of assessment and comparison of indicators of quality of life in various terms of the postponed trauma. Materials & Methodology: We have examined 180 male people: 100 combatants in the Democratic republic Afghanistan (19791989) and 80 - combatants of the conflict in the east of Ukraine (from 2014 till present) with consequences of a combat brain injury of varying severity. We used clinical-neurological, instrumental (craniography of skull, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonic doppler sonography of the main vessels of the head and neck), biochemical, statistical methods of a research, and also questionnaire scale SF-36. Results: The study found that indicators of quality of life of persons, who have had a combat brain injury depend on severity and term which has passed from getting combat brain injury. In early terms after the combat brain injury and also at the persons who have had easy and average weight combat brain injury, the indicators connected with a psychological component are mainly broken. While the patients, who have had a combat brain injury, have violations of all aspects (physical, psychological and social), which in the absence of necessary rehabilitation and treatment are identically shown in different terms of trauma. Conclusions: The results showed that the level of quality of life is in many respects caused by weight of functional violations, leading to activity restriction first of all in the social sphere considerably affecting adaptation potential of organism.
