Role of tele-physiotherapy in managing contemporary challenges to | 49943

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Role of tele-physiotherapy in managing contemporary challenges to neurorehab - an Indian perspective

13th World Conference on Neurology and Neuromuscular Disorders

October 01-02, 2018 | Frankfurt, Germany

Sanjeev Gupta

Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Physiotherapy, India

Keynote: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

This presentation starts with an introduction to Indian context and neurorehab. The presentation unveils the scope and potential of tele-physiotherapy in the different domains of physiotherapy and neurorehab. From a possible provision to address a forbidden remote client tele-physiotherapy now has emerged as a tall solution for growing challenges of urban especially metropolitan lives. The presentation shall look into the scope of tele-physiotherapy and explore its inevitable acceptance and possibilities in urban culture. Tele-physiotherapy surely fixes many issues with its ubiquitous and ambient nature. With growing popularity of wearable and virtual gears artificial intelligence can be the key to our many issues and challenges. Another very important collateral benefit of tele-physiotherapy is spontaneous, simultaneous and effortless recording of data and information pertaining to therapist??patient interaction during therapy. This would offer great help in medico-legal situations, big data analysis, drawing trends etc. This can be a strong tool for insurance companies to gauge client participation and adherence to regime that affects their policy cost and claims as a direct implication. Advantages of internet of things (IoT), GPS and social media can be tapped for group participation, real time motivation and inspirational updates. The presentation discusses scope of Telemedicine, IoT, Big Data Analysis (BDA), ICT and Ambient Intelligence (AI) etc. Further portion unfolds opportunities to collaborate with mobile apps developers, gaming giants and notifications agencies etc. to incorporate physiotherapy features such that they become more yielding. Finally it puts light on challenges to application of tele-physiotherapy in Indian context. The presentation shall include clinical opinion based on a ground study highlighting present preparedness of all stakeholders, with reasons vested therein. Recent Publications 1. Sanjeev Gupta (2015) Contents and Features of ??Syllabi? for under Graduate Physiotherapy Education in Northern India: A Cross Sectional Study. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Research Vol 3(5) 2. Sanjeev Gupta (2012) Evaluation of neck circumference as a predictability parameter for pulmonary function in young females. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Vol 6 (4): 284-287 3. Sanjeev Gupta (2012) To compare the influence of the Tactile Sensitivity and Hand Grip Strength on functional outcome in Elderly Population in relation to Age & Gender. The Physiotherapy Post Vol 4(2). 4. Sanjeev Gupta (2009) Bodygraph- A newly Devised Assessment Equipment. The Physiotherapy post Vol 1(2).

Biography :

Sanjeev Gupta has completed his Graduation at National Institute for the Orthopedically Handicapped, Calcutta, India and Master of Physiotherapy in Ortho-Physiotherapy at Uttaranchal University, India. He has been associated with several premiere physiotherapy institutions in one or more capacities as Director, Principal, Consultant and Academician. He was the Chief Editor of “The Physiotherapy Post” a registered Journal of Physiotherapy. He has supervised many researchers and has contributed to several publications. He has edited and reviewed many research publications. He has attended many international conferences, seminars and FDPs in India, USA, Singapore and Russia. He has given several expert/guest lectures at international platforms most recent being AIIMS, India; DPSRU, Delhi; RUDN University, Moscow, Russia. He has been the Product Consultant with apex manufacturers in the field of Physiotherapy in India. He has developed a novel tool Bodygraph for physiotherapy/ orthopaedic assessment.


