Neurofeedback: An alternative vision in the treatment of neurolog | 49174

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Neurofeedback: An alternative vision in the treatment of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders

11th World Congress on Neurology and Therapeutics

March 27-29, 2017 Madrid, Spain

Jyri Kuusela and Pilar Vecina

Clinical Hospital San Carlos, Spain

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Electroencephalographic (EEG) biofeedback or often referred as Neurofeedback (NFB) was discovered about 40 years ago. Over a long period, the technique remained unpopular, which is investigated by few enthusiasts. In the late 90s and in early 2000s, there started a new era of the Neurofeedback. The technological advances helped faster development and quicker testing of new protocols and methods. During the last years, close to 200 publications are made every year about NFB and thousands of clinicians are applying the technique in daily basis in their practices. One of the most investigated topics has been ADD/ ADHD and in 2012, American Academy of Pediatrics placed EEG biofeedback as a level-1 â??Best Supportedâ? intervention to ADHD. The Institute of Social Research and Development of Uncommon Diseases together with NeuroVitalia is treating patients with NFB in Clinical Hospital San Carlos. We apply the technique to wide variety of patients. We treat, for example, tics, Touretteâ??s syndrome, and epilepsy, where NFB is known to provide help, but we have also started applying it to patients with leucodystrophy, neuromuscular diseases and brain injuries. In the clinics of NeuroVitalia, we usually treat ADHD, autism, migraine, anxiety and depression. We also have many peak performance clients.

Biography :

Jyri Kuusela is the founder of NeuroVitalia and Ataman Science. He is also Neurofeedback lecturer of EEG Info-Europe and qEEG/ERP lecturer of HBImed.

