Evaluation of immuno modulator effect with lymphopaenia and other | 49874

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Evaluation of immuno modulator effect with lymphopaenia and other side effects in relapsingremitting multiple sclerosis patients using fingolimod: clinical data preliminary results

26th European Neurology Congress

August 06-08, 2018 | Madrid, Spain

Sibel Guler

Trakya University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Background: Fingolimod is a new orally available compound for the treatment of relapsing-remitting MS, which has recently been licensed in many countries worldwide. Fingolimod is an oral sphingosine-1-phosphate-receptor modulator which reduces the recirculation of immune cells and may also directly target glial cells. Fingolimod is a widely used treatment for highly active relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Objective: Here we investigate effects of fingolimod on expression of whether pre-treatment - lymphocyte counts, treatment before fingolimod, age, sex, or body mass index (BMI) affects the risk of fingolimod-induced lymphopenia in patients with relapsing-remitting MS multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: Data were obtained from a Trakya University Medical Faculty Neurology Department 47 patient included, retrospective study of patients with RRMS treated with fingolimod. Results: Five out of the patients 5 (%10.6) were treated as drop out. Only 3 (%) patients had to be terminated due to lymphoma. Genital herpes was not observed in any of our patients. The first dose of bradycardia was not observed in any patient. However, 1 (%) patient was accepted as drop out because of the first dose of hypertension. An increase in liver enzymes was observed in 5 (%) of our patients. Macular edema was observed in 1 (%) of our patients. The side effects reported by the patients were seizures, skin sores, back pain, headache, memory loss, menstrual irregularity, lethargy, prolonged infection, muscle pain, hair loss. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that patients with low baseline lymphocyte counts and underweight women in which fingolimod treatment will be initiated should possibly be monitored more closely. Fingolimod was well tolerated during FDO and adverse events were self-limited. The shared medical visit is an appropriate setting for FDO. Adverse effects were similar to those described in clinical trials but the discontinuation rate was higher.

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