Han Kyul Park and Ji Cheol Shin
Yonsei University, South Korea
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
Objective: Aim of this study is to determine whether providing education about the disease pathophysiology and drug mechanisms and side effects would be effective for reducing the use of pain medication while appropriately managing neurogenic pain in spinal cord injury (SCI) patients. Methods: In this prospective study, 109 patients with an SCI and neuropathic pain participated in an educational pain management program. This comprehensive program was specifically created for patients with an SCI and neuropathic pain. It consisted of six sessions, including educational training, over a six-week period. Results: Of 109 patients, 79 (72.5%) initially took more than two types of pain medication, and this decreased to 36 (33.0%) after the educational pain management program was completed. The mean pain scale score and the number of pain medications decreased compared to the baseline values. Compared to the non-response group, the response group had a shorter duration of pain onset (p=0.004), and a higher initial number of different medications (p<0.001) and certain types of medications. Conclusions: This study results imply that an educational pain management program can be a valuable complement to the treatment of spinal cord injured patients with neuropathic pain. Early intervention is important to prevent patients from developing chronic SCI-related pain.
Email: parkhankyul@yuhs.ac