Differentiated approach to the restoration of speech in patients | 49741

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Differentiated approach to the restoration of speech in patients with aphasia in the acute and early periods of stroke

Joint Event on 22nd International Conference on Neurology and Neurophysiology & 23rd International Conference on Neurology and Neurosurgery

April 23-24, 2018 Rome, Italy

E S Berdnikovich, O S Orlova, A S Kadykov and N V Shahparonova

Research Center of Neurology, Russia
Federal State Institution "Scientific Clinical Center of Otolaryngology of Federal Medical and Biology Agency of Russia", Russia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Introduction: Stroke has high prevalence and severe consequences for public health. Annually there are 450000, strokes in Russia and post-stroke aphasia is seen in 35.9% of cases, so as dysarthria is seen in 13%. There is a need to develop a differentiated system of rehabilitation with justification of principles, areas and methods of correction and restorative influence. Aim: To explore methods of logopedic influence with differentiated approach and personalized sensory stimulation based on the leading modality of perception of speech function disorders in acute and early recovery periods of stroke. Patients & Methods: 138 patients were included. The experimental group: 108 acute stroke patients in early period of rehabilitation (up to three months). Also 30 patients received ambulatory basis treatment. All patients were right-handed with ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke in the left hemisphere verified by CT/MRI. We defined three groups by leading perception modality and observed patients through recovery dynamics. We provided logopedic and neuropsychological examination of patients, selected the method of synergistic approach and used neuropsychological, neurolinguistic and statistical methods in ascertaining and training experiments. Results: We implemented the differentiated approach depending on the aphasia form and patients� sensory profile by gradual complication of training tasks and training methods, considering the psycho-physiological state. Thus, application of differentiated sensory stimulation methods considering perceptual leading modality was effective for all patients, regardless to aphasia form. Conclusion: The combination of different sensory stimulation with dominant representational system demonstrates efficiency of developed model of logopedic impact in the acute and early stroke recovery period.
