Xin Rui Qi, Sabina Luchetti, Arja Sluiter, Mathew R J Mason, Ronald Verwer, Jiang-Ning Zhou and Dick F Swaab
Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Netherlands
University of Science and Technology of China- CAS, China
Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol
An 81-year-old Chinese gentleman, pre-morbidly activities-daily living independent, staying with wife, who is a pensioner, walked to th emergency department himself with the chief complaint of acute onset of blurring of vision of his right eye for 3 days. He claimed that the blurring of vision was like curtain dropping, but not completely blind. He denied any history of trauma, nor he complained of any discharge, redness or tenderness. Otherwise, he was feeling alright and no other weakness or numbness. This was the first time in his life. He was only known to have hypertension on enalapril and amlodipine as well as hyperlipideamia on simvastatin. He was also being treated as off and on gout attack with colchicine. On examination, there was blockage of the retinal artery and diagnosed to have branch retinal artery occlusion, but seemed chronic. He was also found to have hand deformity but blamed it on gout. Upon admission, he had a transthoracic echo that showed good EF and no intracardiac thrombus. No AF noted on the telemetry for 48 hours. CT brain done showed no acute or old infarct. US carotids showed no significant bilaterally stenosis. Patient was started on plavix for BRAO but however, no clear underlying cause was found. Patient was being followedup as outpatient by rheumatologist to rule out any underlying autoimmune causes for the first presentation of BRAO.
Xin Rui Qi did her PhD projects supervised by Prof. Dr. Dick Swaab in the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and Prof. Dr. Jiang Ning Zhou in the Univeristy of Science and Technology of China. After getting her PhD degree, she moved to work as a Research Assistant Professor in Tongji University, Shanghai, China from the year 2014.