A New Method for Intraoperative Breast Specimen Imaging at Massac | 48720

Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

A New Method for Intraoperative Breast Specimen Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital-Micro-computed Tomography (Micro-CT)

7th Global Neurologists Annual Meeting on Neuro Surgery and Interventional Radiology

August 22-24, 2016 Vienna, Austria

Rong Tang

Massachusetts General Hospital, USA

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Neurol Neurophysiol

Abstract :

Intraoperative specimen imaging is commonly performed to confirm complete excision breast lesions, but has false positive and false negative rates that lead to incorrect specimen assessment in 21-44% of cases.Micro-CT provides non-invasive, highly quantitative imaging in small specimens within a few minutes.We explored the use of micro-CT for intraoperative assessment of a variety of breast specimens. Excised breast specimens, including lumpectomy specimens, shaved cavity margins(SCM), mastectomy specimens and axillary lymph nodes, were evaluated with a table top micro-CT scanner, Skyscan 1173 (Skyscan, Belgium), with a 40-130kV,8W X-ray source. Scanning for 7 minutes and reconstruction for another 7 minutes provided desired resolution in breast specimens. In lumpectomy specimens, micro-CT could clearly visualize orienting sutures and see the location of tumor masses and associated calcifications relative to specimen margins. In separately excised cavity margin specimens, micro-CT visualized tumor masses and calcifications that indicated the need for additional tissue excision. Micro-CT provided detailed images of axillary lymph nodes and their vessels� 3D structure. 103 SCM from 26 lumpectomies were scanned and compaired with histopathology results. Margin status by micro-CT was concordant with histopathology in 86/103 (83%) SCM. Micro-CT had 73% sensitivity, 85% specificity, 46% positive predictive value, and 95% negative predictive value of SCM. 5/26(19%) case required a re-excision based on the final margin status, micro-CT could identify 3 out of these 5 cases intraoperatively. Micro-CT is a potentially useful tool for assessment of breast cancer specimens, allowing real-time analysis of breast lumpectomy specimens or cavity shaved margins.

Biography :

Tang graduated from University of South China and received her master’s degree in plastic and reconstruction surgery form Peking Union Medical College. She finished her surgical residency training and became a breast surgery specialist in 2011. After that, she has been working as a postdoctoral fellow at Surgical Oncology of Massachusetts General Hospital.She has published 20 peer reviewed journal papers. Her interests include oncoplastic breast procedures, breast cancer shaved cavity margins, nipple sparing mastectomy, and novel breast imaging methods

