International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices

ISSN - 1986-8111

Author Guidelines

Author Information

-12 weeks. Referees use the following criteria to review empirical articles: literature Service for Authors

  • International peer review
  • Scientific editing
  • Linguistics copy editing
  • Submission by email
  • Special discount on article publication charges upon the approval from editorial team
  • Review and Editorial Decisions within 8 weeks

Instruction to the authors

Original Articles - Maximum 4000 words including references and tables. Both descriptive and intervention studies are acceptable.

Review Articles (Current Perspectives) - In-depth reviews of the empirical research in one facet of the Pharmacy education and teaching practice including an analytical discussion of contemporary issues and controversies in education system (maximum 5000 words including references and tables). Educational Model for health care professionals - Maximum 2000 words including references and tables.

Medical Education - Articles on medical education focus on educational efforts that target experiences, programmes and educational research on the teaching/training and evaluation of interpersonal/communication skills of health care providers and their attitudes and skills needed for optimal communication. Short Communications in any of the above categories will also be considered (maximum 1500 words not including references and tables).

Submit manuscripts online as an email attachment to the following link: Online Submission System


Manuscript Organization

Manuscripts should be organized as follows:

Title page, Abstract, Key words, 1. Introduction, 2. Methods, 3. Results, 4. Discussion and Conclusion, References, Acknowledgment, Conflict of Interest, Tables, Figures.

The title page should include an:

Informative title, First name and surname of the first author and his/her institution affiliation address. Please also provide an address, telephone and fax number and e-mail address where the corresponding author can be contacted. For co-authors, mention only first name and surname of their institution affiliation, but no address.

All articles and reviews must have a structured abstract not exceeding 250-300 words and appropriate keywords (5-6). Abstracts should adhere to the following format: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Articles must be in electronic format (Time New Romans (12), double-spaced, Justified).


Reference citations should be numbered consecutively throughout using Arabic numerals in parentheses or square brackets (superscripts). References should be double-spaced and start on a separate page. References should conform to the system used in Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Brit Med J 1991;302:338-41; N Engl J Med 1991;324:424-8), using standard abbreviations of the journal titles cited in Current Contents.

Review Process

Authors can expect to receive a decision in approximately 8review; originality; soundness of methodology; scientific merit; organization/writing style; significance/contribution to knowledge; usefulness to professionals and the overall quality of the manuscript.

The reviewer may recommend accept as is or with revision. It is unusual for a manuscript to be accepted without revision. One copy of the revised manuscript are returned to the Editor-in-Chief for further processing. All accepted manuscripts are subject to editing for clarity, accuracy and style. All authors of accepted manuscripts are required to sign the Assignment of Copyright Agreement to consign the copyright of their paper to the publisher. Accepted manuscripts become the property of IJPTP and may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the written consent of the publisher.


Once accepted for publication, authors will receive proofs, which they are requested to correct and return within 48 hours. No new material can be inserted in the text at the time of proof reading.

Declaration and Cover Letter

All manuscripts should be accompanied by a cover letter from the author responsible for correspondence for the manuscript. Manuscripts are received with the explicit understanding that they are not under simultaneous consideration by any other journal and has not been previously published.

The corresponding author must affirm that all co-investigators have been duly credited in the manuscript either as co-authors or in the acknowledgement section. To meet the criteria of authorship, it is necessary to have taken a significant part in the overall conception and design of the research or to have participated in the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data as well as having written initial drafts of the manuscript, revised and contributed to the final manuscript. Simply having been a part of the research group or having contributed to data collection or provided patients or analysis of tests is not sufficient in and of itself to satisfy the criteria for authorship
