A Brief Note on Classification of Phobia

Clinical and Experimental Psychology

Short Communication - (2020) Volume 6, Issue 3

A Brief Note on Classification of Phobia

Gowthami Bainaboina*
*Correspondence: Gowthami Bainaboina, Department of Pharmaceutics, Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, India, Tel: 8500024898, Email:

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Phobia is defined as a persistence avoidance behaviour secondary to irritational fear of a specific object, situatation, activity or thing that cause one to avoid it. Phobia is very common mental disorders and approximately 5-10% of people affected with phobia. Women’s tends to suffer more from phobia when compare to men. Phobias are often when response to treatment with behavioural and cognitive psychotherapies and to treat with specific pharmacotherapy .The word phobia is derived from the Greek phobos meaning extreme fear and flight. The ancient Greek god, phobia was believed to be able to reduce the enemies of the Greek to the state of object terror.


Psychology• wellbeing• Clinical Psychologist• Forensic Psychologist

Mark defined phobia with 4 Criteria:

The fear is out of proportion to the demand of situation.

It cannot be explained away.

It is beyond Voluntary control.

The fear leads to avoidance of the feared situation.

Signs and Symptoms of Phobia: Sweating, Shortness of Breath, Rapid heartbeat, Fainting, Nausea, Chest pain, Dizziness, Chocking sensation.

Causes: Genetic, Incident or trauma, Family environment.

Treatment: Psychotherapy it includes In sight oriented Psychotheraphy and Cognitive-behaviour theraphy. And another treatment is pharmacotherapy.

Classification of Phobia

Arachnophobia: Is the fear of spiders affects women four times more 48% women and 12% men.

Agoraphobia: Is the fear of open or crowded spaces .People with this Agoraphobia fear often won’t leave home. As the agrophobia increases in severity, there is gradual restriction in normal day to day activities.

Acrophobia: The fear of heights 5% of the general population suffer from this phobia and it belongs to category of specific phobia called space and motion discomfort.

Astraphobia: Is the fear of thunders and lighting.

Social phobia: Social Phobia is an anxiety disorders. It is an excessive fear of embarrassment in social situations or anxiety of being negatively judged.

Claustrophobia : Is the fear of small places like elevators, small rooms and other closed places , it is the irritational fear of having no escape or being closed in. It is a panic attack that can be triggered by certain stimulations.

Mysophobia: Mysophobia is the fear of germs and it is also known as Germophobia or Bacteriophobia.

Zoophobia: It is a class of specific phobia to particular animal or it is an irritational fear or simply dislike non humans.

Aerophobia: Aerophobia is the fear of flying in heights.

Xanthophobia: Is the fear of colour Yellow, the common cause of this phobia is traumatic expression involving with yellow colour. Yellow remains Xanthophobes about the pain and in the unconscious level remained them for the loss of life.

Ornithophobia: Fear of birds . Individuals suffering from this may only fear certain species of Birds.

Alektorophobia: The fear of chickens. If any may have this phobia chickens make them panic.

Nyctophobia: Is the fear of darkness. Being afraid of the dark or the night and this type of phobia we see commonly in Kids.

Emetophobia: Is the fear of vomiting and the fear of loss of your self control.

Author Info

Gowthami Bainaboina*
Department of Pharmaceutics, Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, AP, India

Citation: Gowthami Bainaboina. A Brief Note on Classification of Phobia. Clin Exp Psychol, 2020, 6(3), 01.

Received: 25-Jul-2020 Published: 03-Aug-2020

Copyright: © 2020 Gowthami Bainaboina. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.