Clinical and Experimental Psychology

ISSN - 2471-2701

Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping one's mouth clean and free of disease and other quandaries (e.g. malodorous halitus) by customary brushing of the teeth (dental hygiene) and cleaning between the teeth. It is consequential that oral hygiene be carried out on a customary substructure to enable obviation of dental disease and malodorous halitus. The most prevalent types of dental disease are tooth decay (cavities, dental caries) and gum diseases, including gingivitis, and periodontitis. General guidelines suggest brushing twice a day: after breakfast and afore going to bed, but ideally the mouth would be cleaned after every repast. Cleaning between the teeth is called interdental cleaning and is as paramount as tooth brushing. This is because a toothbrush cannot reach between the teeth and ergo only abstracts about 50% of plaque from the surface of the teeth.  There are many implements to emaculate between the teeth, including floss and interdental brushes; it is up to each individual to cull which implement they prefer to utilize.Sometimes white or straight teeth are associated with oral hygiene. However, a hygienic mouth can have stained teeth or crooked teeth. To amend the appearance of their teeth, people may use tooth whitening treatments and orthodontics.

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