Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access

ISSN - 2471-268X

Occupational Health And Safety Research

Workers should be protected from occupational risks they could be exposed to. This could be achieved through a risk management process, which involves risk analysis, risk assessment and risk control practices. In order to carry out an effective risk management process, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the legal context, concepts, risk analysis, assessment and control processes and the role played by all involved in the process. It is also desirable to base risk management on solid and tested methodologies. Important concepts in risk management are the concepts of hazard and risk. A hazard is a source, situation, or act with a potential for harm in terms of human injury or ill health, or a combination of these. Therefore, a hazard can be anything present in the workplace that has the potential to cause an injury to workers, either a work accident or an occupational disease. Examples of physical hazardous situations can be working on a ladder, handling chemicals substances or walking on a wet floor. Examples of psychosocial hazardous situations are job content, job insecurity, isolation, bullying or harassment, since employees’ health are affected by their perceptions and experience about work organization and other related factors. It is important that employers know where the risks are in their organizations and control them to avoid putting in risk employees, customers and the organization itself. The main goal of risk management is to eliminate or at least to reduce the risks. The employer can delegate this function (not the responsibility) in occupational health and safety specialists and occupational physicians. The specialists may be part of the company staff (internal services) or be contracted outside (external services).

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