Eicosanoids ar communication molecules created by the protein or non-enzymatic reaction of arachidonic acid or alternative unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that are, like arachidonic acid, twenty carbon units long.
Anthony W. Norman Ph.D., Helen L. Henry Ph.D., in Hormones (Third Edition), 2015
Eicosanoids are a category of molecules derived from 20-carbon (“eicosa” is Greek for 20) polyunsaturated fatty acids, most frequently arachidonic acid. The eicosanoids include the prostaglandins (PG), thromboxanes (TX), leukotrienes (LT), and lipoxins (LX). These molecules nearly always act on the cells that manufacture them or on neighboring cells, i.e., over short distances and time periods, and thus are often classified as autocrine/paracrine hormones. they're cosmopolitan within the cells and tissues of the body and have wide-ranging biological actions. The eicosanoids play vital roles in endocrine systems. just about each alternative endocrinological/physiological system mentioned within the alternative chapters of this book conjointly involves the native production and action of 1 or a lot of of the eicosanoids. This chapter initial focuses on the structure and word of the eicosanoids, the pathways by that they're synthesized and therefore the vital enzymes concerned in these pathways. this understanding of the cellular receptors for the eicosanoids is followed by a number of samples of their biological activity and current areas of their clinical importance.
Garcinoic Acid
Stefan Kluge, ... Stefan Lorkowski, in Studies in Natural merchandise Chemistry, 2016
Cyclooxygenases and Their supermolecule intercessor merchandise
Eicosanoids comprise a bunch of supermolecule mediators concerned in inflammation, that include prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes (LT) and lipoxins. All eicosanoids ar metabolically derived from arachidonic acid. Key enzymes of the conversion of arachidonic acid to eicosanoids ar COX1 and COX2 furthermore as lipoxygenases (LOX; the reader is brought up the section “Vitamin E and Lipoxygenases”). Arachidonic acid is free by action of phospholipases A2 from phospholipids of the plasma membrane. The bifunctional COX (cyclooxygenation and peroxidation function) forms autacoid G2 from arachidonic acid by cyclization and addition of 2 molecules of O and reduces it any to autacoid H2. This endoperoxide is substrate for specific synthases and isomerases, that type prostaglandins of the E2, F2, D2, and I2 series furthermore as thromboxane A2