Amino acids are acid during which α-carbon is attached to the amino also because it is attached to R- group. They are the basic unit of proteins. Amino acids are basic units of protein. All amino acids have a minimum of one acidic acid (-COOH) group and one basic amino (-NH2) group. Amino acids are colorless, crystalline solid. They are soluble in water and insoluble in organic solvent. Only L- sort of amino acids are found in Proteins in physical body. If D-form is present, it's converted into l-form by enzymes in liver. More than 300 amino acids are found in nature but only 20 amino acids are standard and present in protein because they're coded by gene Disorders of monosaccharide metabolism include defects in transport enzymes of galactose metabolism enzymes of fructose metabolism and dehydrogenases of pentose metabolism To date, there are over 12 glycogenosis, or glycogen metabolism disorders, that have been catalogued. Glycogen storage diseases (GSD), a major category of glycogenosis, are categorized by the type of tissue involved: liver, muscle, and/or cardiac. Gluconeogenic disorders entail deficiencies of fructose-1,6-diphosphatase, pyruvate carboxylase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxin’s, and pyruvate dehydrogenase complex.
Research: Journal of Biology and Today's World
Research: Journal of Biology and Today's World
Research Article: Journal of Biology and Today's World
Research Article: Journal of Biology and Today's World
Research Article: Journal of Biology and Today's World