European Journal of Clinical Oncology

ISSN - 2732-2654

Jonathan Lalnunsanga

Department of Dental Surgery, Sharad Pawar Dental College and Hospital, Maharashtra, India


  • Case Study   
    Determining The Risk Factor of Oral Cancer on Chewing Smokeless Tobacco Kharra: A Case Study
    Author(s): Jonathan Lalnunsanga, Lalruatzela, James Lalduhawma, Kumar Gaurav Chhabra* and Priyanka Paul Madhu

    Background: Oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer globally; however, the incidence is much higher in the developing countries, including Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka. The etiology of oral cancer is multifactorial with majority of the cases attributable to separate and combined use of tobacco (smoked and smokeless), excessive alcohol consumption, betel quid, and betel quid substitutes. Among this, kharra chewing (areca nut and tobacco) is the most prevalent addiction and the most common risk factors of oral cancer in central India. Objectives: To evaluate the risk of oral cancer associated with kharra users and non-tobacco user. To evaluate the association for the risk factors of oral cancer with kharra and non-tobacco user. Methodology: A hospital based case control study will be carry out in the study, the study w.. View More»

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