Dr. Tyor graduated from Emory University with a BS in Biology and then Duke University School of Medicine. He completed two years of Internal Medicine residency at Emory and his neurology residency at Baylor College of Medicine. He then completed a fellowship in neuroimmunology/neurovirology at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of Neurology. He served on the faculty at Johns Hopkins for 7 years where he participated in research and was Co-Director of the MS Clinic from 1990 to 1992. He moved to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, SC. He was there for 16 years and rose to the rank of Professor. He was Director of the MUSC MS Center and Chief of Neurology at the Charleston VAMC. He continued his research in neuroimmunology and neurovirology. He moved to Emory as Professor in the Department of Neurology in 2008. He is Co-Director of the Emory MS Center and Chief of Neurology at the Atlanta VAMC. He continues with his research in Neuroimmunology/neurovirology.