Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

Robert S Fitzgerald

Robert S Fitzgerald

 The Johns Hopkins University Medical Institutions, USA


Robert S. Fitzgerald received his PhD from The University of Chicago. He did post-doctoral training at UCSF/CVRI in San Francisco and in France at Universite de Nancy and Universite de Paris. Returning to his faculty position at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, he eventually became Associate Chair, then Acting Chair of the Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences in the Bloomberg School of Public Health with Joint Appts. in the Depts. of Physiology and of Medicine in the School of Medicine. His CV includes over 200 contributions to peer-reviewed publications.

Research Interest

Environmental health sciences; Cardiopulmonary physiology; Cardiopulmonary control; Carotid body; Morphology and function; Chemotransduction; Reflex mechanisms; Acetylcholine; Catecholamines; Gene-based differences in ventilatory response; Hypoxia

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