Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology

ISSN - 2155-9562

MI Nogueira

MI Nogueira

Institute of Biomedical Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil


Dr. MI Nogueira is an Associate Prof at Institute of Biomedical Sciences in  University of São Paulo-Br, Department of Anatomy, Laboratory of Neurosciences. She is a board member of the Science Museum - USP.
She worked as coordinator of MAH- Museum of Human Anatomy Professor. She was Vice-Director of Science Center-Estação Ciência PRCEU - USP (2010-2012)Alfonso Bovero (2012-2013). CNPq Researcher, Vice President Association Friends of Science Center (2012- ), Assistant Secretary Society for the Progress of Science, Technology and Innovation-SBPC (2013 - ), Coordinator CCExU - BMA (2012- ). Biociencias concluded at the Institute of the University of Sao Paulo the BA: Small (1977 ) and Fuller ( 1979), Bachelor (1988 ), MSc (1983 ) and Ph.D. (1987 ) in Science: Department of Animal Physiology. Post doctorate in neurophysiology at the Institute of Biomedical Sciences (1990, 1992, 1995 ). PhD in Neurobiology College of Arts and Science, New York University ( 2004- PDE CNPq ).

She was an Associate Prof in ICB - USP (2006). She was M ember: Brazilian Neuroscience and Behavior Society; Society for Neuroscience and Hands on Science Association. Volunteer in AMNH - American Museum of Natural History, NY ( 2002-2005) . Artist Plastica AIAP - UNESCO SINAPESP reg.1906/2007-08; Member of the Center for Performing Arts of Science Center, Vice - President of the Association Friends railway Sciences (2010), Vice - Coord Center for Neuroscience and Behavior (2010- ). Advisor in the MSc and PhD Programs: Neuroscience and Behavior, IP-USP and Morphofunctional Sciences ICB - USP. Research: 1 ) neural system involved in reflexes and biological rhythms: and 2 ) Education and Dissemination/Public Understanding of Science / Neuroscience: investigative approach and interdisciplinary.

Research Interest

Developmental Biology
Western Blot
Medical Neurosciences
Neurobiology and Brain Physiology

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