David M Greer
University of Florida
Dr. Greer received his MD and MA (English Literature) from the University of Florida, and then trained at the Massachusetts General Hospital in neurology, with specialized fellowship training in stroke and neurocritical care. His special interests include coma and disorders of consciousness, ischemic stroke, and neurocritical care.
My research focuses on improving the ability for doctors to give an accurate prognosis for patients in coma, particularly after suffering a cardiac arrest. I am also interested in the use of hypothermia to improve neurological outcomes for various brain injuries. Ongoing projects include the appropriate training of clinicians to pronounce brain death, and differences between subspecialties who do so; a study of the use of clot-dissolving medications for patients with bleeding in the drainage system of the brain, and study looking at the use of induced hypothermia (cooling) for treating patients with large strokes.