The Evaluation of Factors Affecting on Patient Admission fro | 97786

Oncology & Cancer Case Reports

ISSN - 2471-8556


The Evaluation of Factors Affecting on Patient Admission from Operating Room to Intensive Care Unit in Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni

Akshaya N Shetti* and Meenakshi Shivakumar

Introduction: A hospital or other healthcare facility's Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a unique division that offers intensive care medicine.

Highly skilled medical professionals and nurses, who specialise in caring for critically ill patients, work in these facilities. ICUs differ from ordinary hospital wards by having a larger staff-to-patient ratio and having access to cutting-edge medical tools and resources that are not frequently found elsewhere. The selection and admission of patients should be based on classical indices, especially for patients who benefit of intensive care, have lower risk of mortality and better prognosis. On the other hand, the long stay of patients in ICU isn’t cost-effective and is a barrier for admission of new patient. Hence, identification of postoperative complications is necessary for effective planning for optimal use of ICU beds and facilities. Proper planning and consideration of factors in reducing the mortality rate, and correct planning of treatment, the scientific and systematic admission of patients in intensive care units and separation of surgical and internal intensive care units can reduce the mortality rate in this unit as the most important measure for efficiency of the treatment unit.

Aim: To evaluate factors affecting on patient admission from operating room to intensive care unit in Pravara Rural Hospital, Loni.

Materials and Methods: Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the Institutional Ethical Committee. All patients between 20 yeras-60 years of age, of either gender, who are shifted from operation theatre to the intensive care unit in postoperative period, were taken in for the study. The data was obtained through observation.

Results: The study with a sample size of 120 showed maximum subjects was males (59.16%). The Subjects classified under ASA grading whom were shifted to ICU were maximum of ASA grade 4 being (36.66%) and least being grade 1 (7.5%). The subjects undergoing or facial maxillary surgery was the most common to be shifted to ICU being 31.66%. The subjects with hypertension was the most common comorbid status encountered accounting to 20%, the elective monitoring stood most common reason for shifting to ICU being 77.5%.

Conclusion: The airway related problems are most commonly expected hence it is most common to see the patient with head and neck surgeries are shifted out of operation theatre for ICU care.

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