Old Disease...New Location ...Surgeons Be Alerted | 18572

International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health

ISSN - 1840-4529


Old Disease...New Location ...Surgeons Be Alerted

K. B. Ashok

Echinococcus granulosus causes a zoonotic infection called Cystic Echinococcosis (CE). Surgeons meet with hydatid cysts of the liver and lungs with reasonable frequency. However hydatid cyst may appear in other parts of the body too. A 30 yrs old lady presented with a smooth slow-growing subcutaneous nodule on the anteromedial side of the right thigh with no detectable primary site in the liver or lung. The case subsequently diagnosed as hydatid cyst of muscle and radical surgery was done under coverage of anihelminthic drug. The common practice in this type of case is to do FNAC taking the lesion to be a soft tissue neoplasm. The aim of this case presentation is to make aware of the fact that in a case of diffuse non-tender swelling with history of gradual increase in size hydatid cyst also has to be considered in the differential diagnosis.
