Investigating the Health Related Quality of Life of Zambian | 46678

Health Economics & Outcome Research: Open Access

ISSN - 2471-268X


Investigating the Health Related Quality of Life of Zambian Children Living with HIV/AIDS on Antiretroviral Therapy

Mukosha Bona Chitah*, Dick Jonsson and Venkatesh Seshamani

Background: This study deals with Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of children living with HIV/AIDS in Zambia. The study was undertaken in Zambia as a sub-component of the randomised clinical trials for paediatric antiretroviral regimen, designed to test the efficacy of the drug. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent of change in well-being of children with HIV/AIDS resulting from the administration of the FDC drug as well as the acceptance and tolerance of the medication of the drug.

Method: For purpose of HRQoL measurement, all the relevant data were collected at the following end points after randomization: (1) Pre-trial; (2) Follow up; and (3) End line of the trials. A sample of 211 children were selected. The ARV administration was monitored on a continuous basis through clinic visits and home visits by both the guardians and clinicians.

The PEDsQLTM Questionnaire was used in this study. Based on this, ordered Probit regression models using time and staging of HIV/AIDS respectively as dependent variables were used for the analysis.

Results: The severity of ill-health (measured by low CD4 counts) impacts upon HRQoL the most. The administration of the specially formulated paediatric ARVs to children with HIV/AIDS brings about an improvement in HRQoL of the children. The improvement in the quality of life is relatively high allowing these children to perform physical, psycho-social and cognitive functions and roles with minimal differences with the performance of these functions by children that are HIV/AIDS negative.

Conclusion: These findings mean that since improving the welfare and well-being of children living with HIV/AIDS can contribute significantly to social and economic welfare, the Government should continue not only to provide ARVs, but ensure universal access to ARVs by children living with HIV/AIDS.
