Evidentiary Basis for the Use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Ther | 56645

Journal of Health and Medical Research


Evidentiary Basis for the Use of Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF) in Primary Care for Healing and Prevention in People with Complications of Diabetes and in Improving Cardiac Output in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure thereby Preventing

Thomas Sharon

 However, the staggering number of leg amputations following lengthy episodes of ischemic deterioration suggests a lack of consensus as to the efficacy of PEMF (Mulder, Tenenhaus & D’Souza, 2014). Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide an evidentiary basis for using PEMF therapy in a primary care setting to promote microvascular angiogenesis and thereby prevent skin ulceration. In this study, 7 people between the ages 54 and 65 who have diabetes mellitus type 2 and some level DLEI underwent 10 to 22 treat­ments with a Diapulse® PEMF device. Each participant was tested for microvascular red blood cell (RBC) per­fusion (Q), volume concentration of moving RBCs (V), RBC speed (U) and temperature (T) in the plantar skin. These parameters were measured using a laser Doppler flowmeter before and after the course of treatment. The Wilcoxon

