Comparative Physicochemical and Phyto-Chemical Screening of | 25778

International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices

ISSN - 1986-8111


Comparative Physicochemical and Phyto-Chemical Screening of Glucomap: An Herbal Antidiabetic Tablet

Satyaendra K. Shrivastava, P.K. Dubey, B. Shrivastava, Pankaj Sharma

The World Health Organization Expert Committee on diabetes has recommended that traditional medicinal herbs be further investigated. Thus, plants are a potential source of anti-diabetic drugs but this fact has not gained enough momentum in the scientific community. Plants used to treat diabetes are of considerable interest as they are recognizing to contain valuable medicinal properties in different parts of the plant species with desire properties. Several species of plant are used in the treatment of diabetes, a disease affecting large number of people worldwide. The present paper enumerates several species used in the treatment of diabetes. The present paper deals with standardization parameters of medicinal herbs present in glucomap, an herbal antidiabetic tablet. Various parameters viz., FOM, AS, SI, LOD etc were reported. Also, attempts were made to reveal the presence of active phyochemical present in the herbs and were compared with the standard drug.
