Comparative Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation b | 25781

International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices

ISSN - 1986-8111


Comparative Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Evaluation between the Leaves of Vitex trifolia Linn. and Vitex leucoxylon Linn.

S.Thenmozhi, Amirtha Lakshmia, Leena Priya, Kameshwaran, Sumeet Dwivedi

Vitex trifolia Linn (Verbanaceae) is commonly known as chaste tree (English), Nirnochi (Tamil) and jalanirgundi (Sanskrit) and is reported to have good medicinal values in traditional system of medicines. Vitex Leucoxylon Linn. (Verbenreae) is found commonly in India. This plant is a large deciduous tree, commonly known as Songarbhi (Marathi). Because of the same species, the plants look alike and it is difficult for the collection and authentication of the plant. This comparative study aims at differentiating the plants on the basis of pharmacognostical and phytochemical evaluations. Morphological studies of leaves showed the presence of various diagnostic characters. In the microscopical studies of both leaves showed the presence of vascular bundle, trichomes, epidermal cells, spongy parenchyma cells etc. Ash value and extractive value was determined for quality standard of drugs. Phytochemical investigation shows the presence of alkaloids, carbohydrate, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, protein and amino acids, tannins, phytosterols, saponins etc.
