The Relationship between Internet Addiction and Learning Success

Medical Reports & Case Studies

ISSN - 2572-5130

Research - (2022) Volume 7, Issue 9

The Relationship between Internet Addiction and Learning Success in Adolescents

Sami Rexhepi1* and Behare Bojaxhiu Huçaj2
*Correspondence: Sami Rexhepi, Neuropsychiatrist / Director of the Mental Health Center in Prishtina, Kosovo, Email:

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Objective: Adolescents were considered as the most users of social networks, where they are connected at any time and in any place without even missing them during school, without realizing that this phenomenon can lead to failure in life and their career. This was exactly the idea of this research. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to understand what is involved in the use of social networks adolescents in the municipality of Dragash and have created dependence on social networks, also to understand the relationship of social networks with school success in teens.

Methods: The research is quantitative, answering the questions of the descriptive and differential method, while for data collection the IAD questionnaire was used which aims to measure Internet dependence. Data processing and analysis were performed through the SPSS method version 22.

Sample: The target groups of this study are the students of the high school "Ruzhdi Berisha" in Dragash, consisting of 82 respondents, of which 56 are female and 26 males belong to the ages 15, 16 and 17.

Results: From the results of the research it is understood that adolescents are regular users of social networks. It has been found that 16-year-olds are more dependent on the Internet and social networks compared to 15- and 17-year-olds. 15-year-olds have a dependency of up to 53.66 with a standard deviation of 13.0, 16-year-olds have a dependency of 61.61 with a standard deviation of 13.9 and 17-year-olds have a dependency of 53.3 and a standard deviation of 13.11.


Internet • Social network • Adolescent • School • Learning success


Adolescence is the age that stands out in the life of every human being as a short age, but with great qualitative changes, which affect many areas of personality development: physical and psychological, mental and social. This age is called critical, difficult, delicate age because the difficulties of growth are many, the complication of problems that arise is frequent, the importance of changes in the life of the child is great, the time to resolve the contradictions that arose is short and qualified and competent reflection of adults is not at the right level.

Maturity is the state or age of life when a person completes his physical, emotional, spiritual, social and intellectual development. The formation of one of the above qualities does not presuppose the simultaneous formation of other qualities, e.g. the 14-year-old who is physically mature may be immature in other areas, this is one of the features of adolescence.

Adolescence is characterized by excessive emotional sensitivity, which appears occasionally in the social activity of the child. The causes are different anatomic-physiological, social-psychological, the adolescent is not always able to balance the changes and internal biological impulses, therefore he often appears emotional, tense, impulsive. Irritation and its affectivity can be inhibited or further stimulated by the various influences of the social environment, of adults and peers.

Some theories on adolescence

Various authors have raised their theories regarding adolescence. We will mention some of the basic concepts related to the age of transition.

Stanley Hall recommends not interfering with adult society, especially parents, in the lives of teenagers, because it is the next period that fixes everything before. He even calls serious abnormal deviations during adolescence a normal occurrence. This theory has been criticized by later scholars because it ignores the role of the social environment, calls developmental stages universal, immutable, driven by biological instincts, demands exclusive parental tolerance for the normal development of children, and places a decisive emphasis on inevitable stress and storm of the adolescent. [1].

Regarding adolescence Erik Eriksson emphasizes that adolescence is the development of such an identity that will provide a sound basis for adulthood. The individual has certainly developed a concept of self since infancy, but adolescence marks the first time a conscious effort is made to answer the question "who am I?". The conflict that defines this stage is between the desire to identify oneself and the inability to find the desired role in life: Identity versus the rise of the role [2].

According to Freud in adolescence, men and women differ in the physical and mental plane of the expression of sexuality. In the physical aspect of sensitivity, men orient sexual purpose in the desire to produce sexual products accompanied by physical pleasure, while women although have the same satisfaction, do not cause physical products. Freud pays special attention to the moments of adolescent development when they lose or break off previous childhood ties with their parents [1].

As for the theory of adolescence, many scholars consider Anna Freud to be more convincing than her father, she thinks of adolescence as an age of internal conflict, mental imbalance and misbehavior. On the one hand, teenagers are selfish in putting themselves at the center of the universe, but on the other hand, they are capable of devotion and self-sacrifice. They create passionate relationships, but to end them immediately, they want to be totally involved in social groups, but also stand out on their own, are materialistic and arrogant, but also full of idealism, oscillate between passionate optimism and deep pessimism, between boundless enthusiasm and apathy and clumsiness [1].

Internet use in adolescents

Adolescents are those who are considered to be the biggest users of social networks, where uncontrolled mass use leads to addiction. Internet addiction has such a negative effect on the condition of young people that it can even send them into depression. Adolescent use has increased steadily and steadily. People who spend a lot of time online soon qualify as addicted to it. The disorder of internet use is getting involved in mental disorders, where the inclusion of internet addiction among other addictions has already been the subject of much debate for some time.

Experts believe that Internet addiction is only a by-product of a more serious condition, such as adolescents who suffer from nervousness and use the Internet more than others. This addiction, which has so far been defined as a disorder in impulse control, damages the white matter of the brain and triggers addictive reactions in a way similar to drug addicts. Adolescents who are addicted to the internet have damage to the white matter of the brain which connects the vital parts responsible for emotions, decision making and self-control, so uncontrolled internet use affects their quality of life. If access is restricted, addicts experience trembling, obsessive thoughts, and finger movements as if they were typing on a keyboard become a very serious concern in itself, which must be approached more seriously than so far even institutionally, so that at least the consequences of this phenomenon are as few as possible or reduced [3].

It has happened in schools that children who are very fond of the Internet and video games because of what they see have aggressive behavior towards friends, are inclined to use violence for the slightest reason, thus imitating the "game" on the computer [4,5].

The risk of misusing the internet, in virtual communication with strangers, in its daily use, becomes the worst risk, and moreover, becomes the risk, within the walls of the house sending children and adolescents into a completely unknown world and removing them from reality, as well as removing them from the book where their school performance drops significantly [6].

Causes of students losing interest in learning

While the education of the society is the most important segment of each country, it remains the permanent task of the competent institutions to deepen the research about the various phenomena that accompany the education system in the country.

Entering the research of the causes of students' loss of interest in learning in the current circumstances, means to face many dilemmas and difficulties, because you are faced with causes from the objective ones, to the most abstract and unreasonable ones, that neither you cannot guess anymore. Some of the reasons we can mention are e.g [7].

Insufficient motivation on the part of the teacher, incorrectness of students' requests, overload of curricula, excessive discipline and strictness in school, inadequacy of school facilities, as well as the spread of the Internet and the uncontrolled extent of its use by young people especially by students.


The following section will examine the methodological aspects of research on the relationship between Internet addiction and learning success in adolescents.

During the first phase we have paid special attention to identifying the main issues on which we have worked for the future. At this point we will describe the research methods, purpose, measuring instruments used to conduct this research, variables, hypotheses and subjects that underwent this research.

Purpose The internet has become an integral part of everyone, including all ages especially teenagers, where its uncontrolled mass use is causing serious problems ranging from loss of interest in learning. This is precisely the reason for the collection of comprehensive information on this issue. Where the main purpose of this study is to identify whether there is an Internet addiction of adolescents, in the current context of a school, in our case in high school "Ruzhdi Berisha", always keeping in mind that the possibilities of use and access of the Internet, are quite advanced, both in home and school environments.

Another aim of this study, second in terms of ranking, but not in importance, is to highlight the impact of the Internet on educational progress in adolescents, more precisely the success of students. There is no doubt that there are games and useful materials on the Internet that develop the intelligence of teenagers and help them with school materials if they are used regularly and on a regular schedule. However, if they use the Internet uncontrollably in computer games, it (the Internet) is more likely to impair intelligence than to develop it, it is also more likely to influence the decline in learning.

Hypotheses The research, conceptual hypothesis of this research is:

"The relationship between internet addiction and sim success in adolescents."

Zero hypothesis which is otherwise known as statistical by which the non-existence of the effect is asserted, in this case we have:

H0: "There is no correlation between Internet addiction and learning success in adolescents" And the alternative hypothesis which claims that the effect exists we have:

Ha: "Uncontrolled use of the Internet affects the success of learning in adolescents"

Demographic factors:

H0: "There is no difference between urban and rural adolescents in terms of Internet use"

Ha: "Adolescents in the city are more internet users than adolescents in rural areas"

Gender factor:

H0: "There is no difference in terms of internet use between male and female subjects"

Ha: "Male subjects are more internet users than female subjects"

In terms of the educational factor we have:

H0: "There is no difference in learning success between more users and fewer Internet users"

Ha: Entities that are more internet users have lower success as opposed to entities that use the internet less.

Samples The subjects selected by the researcher constitute the prepredominated sample, deliberately protected, the sample is representative, includes the characteristics of the population, four classes are taken from different directions to the same generation which represent the population. Our sample complements the number of 82 subjects of both genders where 26 subjects belong to the female gender and 56 of them to the male gender, we also made sure that the sample includes subjects who have different successes in learning in order to approach our study as much accuracy.

Interpretation of results

Descriptive analysis

Based on the results of the analysis, we can see that the difference between the ages was central, 15-year-olds 3 respondents, 16-year-olds 49 respondents and 17-year-olds 30 respondents (Figure 1).


Figure 1:The difference between the ages was central, 15-year-olds 3 respondents, 16-year-olds 49 respondents and 17-year-olds 30 respondents. Based on the results, the gender ratio stands were out of 82 respondents, 56 are female and 26 are male (Figure 2).


Figure 2: Gender ratio stands were out of 82 respondents, 56 are female and 26 are male.

Based on the results of the analysis, the success of the students lies. 36 of them have a grade of 5, 32 of them h have a grade of 4 and 14 others have a grade of 3, with a standard deviation of 73 (Figure 3).


Figure 3: Success of the students lies. 36 of them have a grade of 5, 32 of them h have a grade of 4 and 14 others have a grade of 3, with a standard deviation of 73.

In the question I defend and justify myself when someone asks me what they are looking for online, we have these results. I do not agree at all, 13 students answered, in general, I disagree, 8 students answered, I am not sure, 15 students answered, in general, I agree, 25 students answered and I completely agree, 21 students answered (Figure 4).


Figure 4: Defend and justify myself when someone asks me what they are looking for online.

To the question that It often happen to get rid of negative thoughts by being comforted on social networks, these are the results. I do not agree at all 9 students answered, in general I disagree 6 students answered, I am not sure 7 students answered, in general I agree 38 students answered and I completely agree 22 students (Figure 5).


Figure 5: It often happen to get rid of negative thoughts by being comforted on social networks.

In the question I look forward to opening social networks as soon as we get back from school, we have these results. I do not agree at all 14 students answered, in general I disagree 10 students, I am not sure 12 students, in general I agree 21 students and I completely agree 25 students (Figure 6).


Figure 6: Look forward to opening social networks as soon as we get back from school

In the question Life without internet I think it would be boring empty and silly, we have these results. I do not agree at all 8 students, in general I do not agree 16 students, I am not sure 25 students, in general I agree 16 students and I completely agree 17 students (Figure 7).


Figure 7: Life without internet I think it would be boring empty and silly.

In the question I raise my voice and get annoyed if someone bothers me while I am on-line, we have these results. 34 students do not agree at all, 22 students generally disagree, 11 students are not sure, 12 students generally agree and 3 students completely agree (Figure 8).


Figure 8: Raise my voice and get annoyed if someone bothers me while I am on-line.

In the question I neglect the lessons to spend time on facebook, we have these results. I do not agree at all 28 students, in general I disagree 12 students, I am not sure 14 students, in general I agree 16 students and I completely agree 12 students (Figure 9).


Figure 9: Neglect the lessons to spend time on facebook.

In the question I have created some new connections with other users, I have these results. I do not agree at all 31 students answered, in general I disagree 17 students, I am not sure 12 students, in general I agree 12 students and I completely agree 10 students (Figure 10).


Figure 10: Created some new connections with other users.

In the question People around me complain about the amount of time I spend on the phone, we have these results. I do not agree at all 13 students answered, in general I disagree 11 students, I am not sure 11 students, in general I agree 24 students and I completely agree 23 students (Figure 11).


Figure 11: People around me complain about the amount of time I spend on the phone.

When asked that my Lessons have been negatively impacted given the time I spend on social media, we have these results. I do not agree at all 19 students answered, in general I disagree 13 students, I am not sure 17 students, in general I agree 18 students and I completely agree 15 students (Figure 12). medical-7-9-005

Figure 12: Lessons have been negatively impacted given the time I spend on social media

In the question First I check messages and news on social networks and why I have to perform important school assignments, we have these results. I do not agree at all 13 students answered, in general I disagree 11 students, I am not sure 9 students, in general I agree 18 students and I totally agree 31 students (Figure 13).



Figure 13: First check messages and news on social networks and why have to perform important school tasks.

In the question Productivity in school is negatively affected by excessive use of the telephone, we have these results. I do not agree at all 12 students, in general I disagree 7 respondents, I am not sure 13 students, in general I agree 21 students and I completely agree 29 students (Figure 14).


Figure 14: Productivity in school is negatively affected by excessive use of the telephone.

In the question I often say to myself and a little and I am turning it off and I still stay on-line, we have these results. I do not agree at all 9 students answered, in general I disagree 5 students, I am not sure 4 students, in general I agree 25 students and I totally agree 38 students (Figure 15).


Figure 15: Often say to myself and a little and I am turning it off and I still stay on-line.

In the question I try to hide the amount of hours I spend on the phone, we have these results. I do not agree at all 14 students, I am not sure 10 students, in general I agree 19 students and I completely agree 7 students (Figure16).


Figure 16: Try to hide the amount of hours I spend on the phone.

In the question before I choose to spend time on social networks than to go out with a friend, we have these results. I do not agree at all 48 respondents answered, in general I disagree 13 students, I am not sure 9 students, in general I agree 7 students and I completely agree 5 students (Figure 17).


Figure 17: Before I choose to spend time on social networks than to go out with a friend.

In the question when I'm not connected to the internet I feel depressed and irritated, we have these results. I do not agree at all 38 students answered, in general I disagree 16 students, I am not sure 12 students, in general 12 students and I completely agree 4 students (Figure 18).


Figure 18: When I'm not connected to the internet, feel depressed and irritated.

Main hypothesis analysis

In the question we felt better only when I am connected to social networks, we have these results. 21 students do not agree at all, 20 students generally disagree, 15 students are not sure, 17 students generally agree and 9 students completely agree (Figure 19).


Figure 19: We felt better only when I am connected to social networks.

Main hypothesis analysis

The relationship between internet addiction and learning success in adolescents

Based on the results of the analysis we can see the correlation between Success and connected in social networks which is -0.220* which means that we have a negative correlation, so the higher the success in lessons the less they are m 'depending on the feeling that they feel good only when we are connected on social networks. The score on Sum of Squares and Cross - products turned out to be -17.756 which mean that the total deviation of cases is -17.75 cases out of 82 totals. While the Covariance or control variable has turned out to be -0.219. So we can conclude that we have negative correlation between success and connectivity with social networks. To prove the hypothesis, we can see the level of significance which is 0.047 which is close to 0.05 and we can conclude that our hypothesis is statistically significant and we say that H1. We have statistically significant correlations between internet dependence and grade point average in adolescents.

Below is a Table 1 of descriptive data where we can see the average level of use of social networks which is 2.67 where it stands between in general I do not agree and I am not sure and the average grade of respondents where it stands 4.26 which fits very well.

Table 1. Descriptive data where we can see the average level of use of social networks which is 2.67 where it stands between in general I do not agree and I am not sure and the average grade of respondents where it stands 4.26 which fits very well.

Descriptive Statistics
  Mean Std. Deviation N
We only feel better when I'm connected on social media 2.67 1.352 82
success 4.268 0.7378 82
  We only feel better when I'm connected on social media success
We only feel better when I'm connected on social media Pearson Correlation 1 -.220*
Sig. (2-tailed)   0.047
Sum of Squares and Cross-products 148.11 -17.756
Covariance 1.829 -0.219
success Pearson Correlation -.220* 1
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.047  
Sum of Squares and Cross-products -17.756 44.098
Covariance -0.219 0.544
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
b. ListÃÂ?«ise N=82

Table 2. The difference between the ages in terms of internet addiction.

ÃÂ? ?pÃÂ? 
Mosha Mean N Std. Deviation
15 53.667 3 13.0128
16 61.612 49 13.9027
17 53.3 30 13.11
Total 58.28 82 14.0337

The standard deviation to dependence in this case is 1.352 which means that we have a difference of 1.35 in the positive and negative aspect, while the average grade has a standard deviation of 0.73 so there are cases when we can have a lower average grade of 3.52 while the largest 4.99.

The difference between internet addictions in the three age groups Based on the following results, we can see that the difference between the ages in terms of internet addiction is as follows, 15 year olds have addiction up to 53.66 with a standard deviation of 13.0, 16 year olds have a dependency of 61.61 with a deviation standard of 13.9 and age 17 have a dependency of 53.3 and standard deviation of 13.11. From this we can conclude that 16 year olds are more addicted, with an average dependence on the internet compared to the other two ages 15 and 17 years old (Table 2).

The difference between success and dependence on the internet From the following results we can see the difference between internet addiction and grades or success in teens. We can see that adolescents with grade 3 have a dependency of 67.07 and standard deviation of 8.84, then we have adolescents with grade 4 and dependency of 59.90 and standard deviation of 13.75 and adolescents with grade 5 and dependence of 53.41 and standard deviation of 14.19.

From this we can conclude that the lower the grade the more dependent on the Internet they are, while in these cases we have an average dependence but higher than in adolescents who have higher grades.

Conclusion and Discussion

Given the information gathered from various sources to complete our theoretical work of this dissertation and given the results obtained from this research, we can conclude that the Internet has become very important in the lives of everyone, especially the elderly. Young respectively adolescents. Most teens use the internet more for fun by accessing various social networks than for searching for school materials and it seems that overuse has caused them a noticeable addiction.

This addiction is taking individuals away from real life and results from different studies and different researchers, this phenomenon has become quite widespread and is causing various life problems, especially in students causing a decrease in the level of learning as a result of joining on social networks even during school hours. Students now find it difficult to control the situation while connecting to the internet and unfortunately it is difficult to stop them.

The uncontrolled use of the Internet is causing serious problems in human society ranging from individual, social and beyond, interpersonal relationships have changed significantly where time spent on social networks is becoming more important than any other type of activity. Most addicts are self-centered and more interested in what is happening on social media than in real life. This phenomenon has now become widespread and it is difficult to alleviate it, but on the contrary the number of users is increasing.

In our adolescents who were the protagonists of this research, we realized that they have an average dependence on the Internet, but this dependence is causing you a decrease in success in learning. Given the gender factor from our study we found that women are less user-oriented than men and unlike men also had higher scores of school success. Then 15 year olds had a higher addiction and also had lower success, where from this we understood that increasing internet use is affecting us in reducing learning success.

Unfortunately, with the increasing use of the internet the risk of using inappropriate behaviors has also increased. Boys and girls exchange phone numbers, pictures (even provocative) with each other and do not hesitate to meet even strangers. So unlike before, today a lot of the time spent online is added. Teenagers do not realize the danger posed by chatting online.

Based on the responses received from the teenagers, we can state that a considerable part of them consume the Internet until late hours, even attracting the attention of parents, as well as teachers, after they told us that their students show signs. visible as a result of staying online late at night (drowsy during school hours, uninterested in learning, tired, etc.).

We can say with full conviction that the internet today represents the last frontier of education of the younger generation. Its power is still completely undiscovered; as are the effects it is bringing to our lifestyles. The Internet should be conceived as a psychological space where the user, the individual, the user is transported, accepted, guided in a series of environments; where you can meet other values, share moments, situations, be overwhelmed and immersed in colorful information, liveliness. From the analysis of the main findings of the survey made by this study, we can conclude that the use of the Internet, as well as the obvious result of this study, today is seen by adolescents of this age group as a necessity of their normal day, making no difference whether these users are teenage boys or girls, even though the girls were at a slightly lower level of users.

The indiscriminate, incessant, frequent, and uncontrolled use of the Internet by adolescents has resulted in a decrease in the number of lessons a student has to spend studying. or to do the homework left by the teachers, goes to a good part of it, to the use of the internet, not counting here the fact, that even during learning, the thought often goes to the internet.

Internet communication, as word abbreviations are often used, is impoverishing the correct language vocabulary, without taking into account the fact that Internet navigation is a one-way communication, as the Internet informs and transmits what it wants, and who is in front of the computer screen does not has the possibility of interaction. The Internet often proposes controversial patterns of behavior, which is one of the main causes of students' language poverty. So ultimately aggression and a lot of inappropriate behavior are as a result of the absorption of characters prefaced by the internet.


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Author Info

Sami Rexhepi1* and Behare Bojaxhiu Huçaj2
1Neuropsychiatrist / Director of the Mental Health Center in Prishtina, Kosovo
2Clinical psychologist/ Specialist in Clinical Psychology at the Mental Health Center in Prishtina, Kosovo

Citation: Rexhepi S, et al. The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Learning Success in Adolescents 2022, 7(9), 001-009

Received: 07-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. MRCS-22-73930; Editor assigned: 09-Sep-2022, Pre QC No. MRCS- 22- 73930 (PQ); Reviewed: 19-Sep-2022, QC No. MRCS- 22- 73930 (Q); Revised: 22-Sep-2022, Manuscript No. MRCS- 22-73930 (R); Published: 24-Sep-2022, DOI: 10.4172/2572 5130.22.7(9).1000213

Copyright: ©2022 Rexhepi S, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.