Journal of Microbiology and Immunology

Risk Mitigation Innovations

Risk mitigation review journal=Risk Management is that the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to reduce, monitor, and management the likelihood and/or impact of unfortunate events .It introduces the thought that the probability of an occurrence happening is reduced, or its consequences reduced (International is AN Open Access Publication company that is aiming the acceleration of discovery within the field of science, Technology and management the corporate has 700+ peer-reviewed journals within which Risk-management-peer-review-journals is that the one amongst the most effective journal. Risk-management-peer-review-journal’s area unit a Quarterly Journal that releases its issue in an exceedingly Quarterly manner. within the year 2012 Risk-management-peer-review-journals was started cluster International that has immense success rating from the day it got started within the cluster international. Risk-management-peer-review-journals within the cluster presents management field best and updated articles that area unit terribly worthy in their articles, review.

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