International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology

Novel Proteomics Applications

Applications of proteomics such as chemical proteomics, protein expression profiling, targeted protein quantitation, analysis of protein-protein interactions and post-translational modification are widely used by various sections of the industry. Modern proteomics benefits from the ability to assess the modification state of proteins directly, using a combination of techniques such as mass spectrometry, western blotting and enrichment. The proteome of a cell is of much greater complexity than the genome. Proteomics is the large scale of study of proteins, particularly their function and structure. Proteomics is an excellent approach for studying changes in metabolism in response to different stress conditions. In the present review focused on different types of techniques for the analysis of expressed proteins. Proteomics relies on three basic technological cornerstones that include a method to fractionate complex protein or peptide mixtures, MS to acquire the data necessary to identify individual proteins, and bioinformatics to analyze and assemble the MS data. Proteomics, the study of the proteome, is important because proteins represent the actual functional molecules in the cell. When mutations occur in the DNA, it is the proteins that are ultimately affected. Drugs, when they have beneficial effects, do so by interacting with proteins.

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