International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Management Scholarly Open Access Journals

The organization management Journal is the key platform for the upcoming entrepreneurs to extract the knowledge. The Organization and management Journal focuses on the new findings of the management studies. The research of organizational relations, human resource, financial accounting, and marketing strategies will play a key role in organizational management. These researches will helpful for the entrepreneurs to reach pinnacle in the business administration. Knowledge is the basic source to compete. The new strategies of organization may leads to profit or loss. The source of knowledge can be sourced through the Journals where the research has been published in the form of articles. The concept of each and every new finding in the organization management will help an entrepreneur to go ahead with good profit. While reviewing the construct of organizational performance in strategy research, identified three dimensions of organizational performance; accounting returns, stock market returns, and growth prospects. They urge scholars to use variables that capture the multidimensionality of the organizational performance construct, while distinguishing it from the operational performance construct like marketing and sales outcomes or human resource outcomes that serve as antecedents to the overall organizational performance measure. Changes in a firm's credit rating also affect stock prices implying that it is captures the dimension of performance. In addition, credit rating, assesses different aspects of financial performance, we can consider using firm credit rating as an additional or alternative measure of financial performance.

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