Environmental science and engineering are puerile vocations compared to many other disciplines in the physical and natural sciences and engineering. In a span of just a few decenniums, advances and incipient environmental applications of science, engineering, and their associated technologies have coalesced into a whole incipient way to visually perceive the world. Science is the explication of the physical world, while engineering encompasses applications of science to achieve results. Thus, what we have learned about the environment by tribulation and error has incrementally grown into what is now standard practice of environmental science and engineering. This heuristically procured cognizance has come at a great cost in terms of the loss of lives and diseases associated with mistakes, poor decisions (at least in retrospect), and the lack of appreciation of environmental effects. Environmental cognizance is certainly more and less a polarizing issue than it was in the 1970s, when key legislation reflected the incipient environmental ethos. The number of laws intended to bulwark natural resources, including air quality, grew steadily throughout the 20th century. Following the 1960s, the magnification of such legislation grew exponentially with incremented public cognizance and concern. Eminently, the 1970 Clean Air Act codified the national need to decrement
air pollution by requiring federal standards for ambient air quality. This was accomplished by requiring state and local jurisdictions to implement plans to achieve air quality standards and to require sources of
air pollution to decrement emissions. There has been a steady march of advances in environmental science and engineering for several decenniums, as evidenced by the incrementing number of Ph.D. dissertations and credible scientific journal
articles addressing a myriad of environmental issues. To increase the visibility and ease of use of
open access scientific and scholarly
journals top online publishing
journals are
indexed in different indexing and archiving services. Indexing provides easy access of the article online. The top online publishing
journals publish
articles which are cited as references by many authors in their work. Citations are important for a journal to get impact factor. Impact
factor is a measure reflecting the average number of citations to recent
articles published in the journal.
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