International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology

Cell Communication

Cell communication is the process by which a cell detects and responds to signals in its environment. Most single-celled organisms can perceive changes in nutrient availability and adapt their metabolism as needed. Some single-celled organisms may utilize environmental signals to locate a suitable mate; some send signals to make their numbers known to other members of their species. Most multi-celled organisms can utilize junctions between cells for direct intercellular signaling. Effect of spatial clustering on QS signaling. A mathematical model for autoinducer systems with or without positive feedback was developed. The model was used to investigate the effect of the spatial arrangement of autoinducer-producing cells on the accumulation of local autoinducer. Comparing a random (a) with a clustered (b) arrangement of the same number of cells, the threshold concentration for induction is reached only within and near the clusters. The figure shows bacterial cells that are not induced in cyan and those that are induced in purple. Comparing the same clustered pattern with (b) and without (c) positive feedback demonstrates that this characteristic of autoinducer production is critical for reaching sufficient autoinducer concentrations for cells to induce autoinducer production and autoinducer-dependent genes. The autoinducer concentration, as a percentage of the threshold concentration, is indicated by contour lines and background color, for which a linear color map from red (<16%) to white (>200%) was used. In panel b, the thick contour line separates the noninduced cells from the induced cells. The three-dimensional domain is viewed from the top, onto an impermeable surface at the bottom. As the domain is otherwise infinite, the autoinducer can diffuse away.

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