Oncology & Cancer Case Reports

ISSN - 2471-8556

Cancer Genes Open Access Articles

Genes are in the DNA of each cell in your body. They control how the cell functions, how quickly it grows, How often it divides, and the way long it lives. Researchers estimate that every cell contains 30,000 different genes. Within each cell, genes are located on chromosomes. Chromosomes are the thread-like structures in cells that contain genes. There are 46 chromosomes, arranged in 2 sets of 23. Genes control how your cells work by making proteins. The proteins have specific functions and act as messengers for the cell. Each gene must have the right instructions for creating its protein. This allows the protein to perform the right function for the cell. All cancers begin when one or more genes during a cell mutate. A mutation is a change. It creates an abnormal protein. Or it may prevent a protein’s formation. An abnormal protein provides different information than a traditional protein. This can cause cells to multiply uncontrollably and become cancerous.

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