Department of Public Health, College of Health Science, Debre Tabor University, Northcentral, Ethiopia
Research Article
A Review of Unintended Childbirth in Ethiopia: Magnitude and Contributing
Author(s): Gashaw Mehiret1* and Aragaw Tesfaw2
Background: Unintended pregnancy is a major social and public health problem around the globe and a major cause of unsafe abortion, underutilization of prenatal care, and low birth weight. In Ethiopia, according to the national demographic and health survey (2016) report, about 23% of total last pregnancies were unintended. Therefore, this review aimed to document the magnitude and major factors contributing to untended pregnancy from Ethiopian studies. Methods: The reviewed articles were searched from electronic databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar) using keywords or phrases such as ‘unintended pregnancy’, ‘unwanted pregnancy’, ‘mistimed pregnancy’, ‘Factors’ and ‘Ethiopia’. The reviewed studies included all epidemiologic studies published between the years 2008 and 2018. Result: The overall magnitude of untended p.. View More»